Garden Miscellany: An Illustrated Guide to the Elements of the Garden by Suzanne Staubach

Garden Miscellany: An Illustrated Guide to the Elements of the Garden

by Suzanne Staubach

Gardens across the globe come in many sizes and styles, but for the most part they share a remarkable number of similar components. Suzanne Staubach revels in this interconnectivity in A Garden Miscellany. In short essays meant to be dipped in and out of, Staubach shares the history, evolution, and contemporary use of all the parts and pieces that make up a home garden - from borders, compost bins, and decks to pergolas, roof gardens, statues, and troughs. Readers will learn that fairy gardens have their roots in the Tang Dynasty, the difference between an arbor and a pergola, how geometry plays a role in garden design, what a ha-ha is (a ditch deep enough to be a barrier that doesn’t interrupt a view), and much more. Featuring bold and whimsical illustrations by Julia Yellow and filled with interesting facts and anecdotes, A Garden Miscellany is a fun and informative gift book for gardeners, plant lovers, and the naturally curious everywhere.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

A Garden Miscellany is a whimsically illustrated alphabetical glossary of gardening terms and features by Suzanne Staubach. Released 29th Oct by Workman on their Timber Press imprint, it's 220 pages and available in hardback and ebook formats.

Although it's a simple concept (a thematic alphabetic glossary), this charming book offers quite a bit more. There are definitions for 85 garden concepts from allée to yard. There is also a wealth of trivia and history interspersed with beautifully rendered garden scenes and action shots including double page spreads which include detailed artistic narratives. I really loved the community gardening scenes complete with friends and neighbors, herb beds, cat and dog, lush fruits, and a prosaic compost bin. Everything looks so energetic and harmonious.

This is a beautiful book. It would make a superlative gift (housewarming?) for a gardening friend. The entire 'vibe' is upbeat, positive, and friendly.

Four enthusiastic stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 2 November, 2019: Reviewed