Wildest Dreams by Robyn Carr

Wildest Dreams (Thunder Point, #9)

by Robyn Carr

Blake Smiley, a professional triathlete, searched the country for just the right place to call home, and Thunder Point has what he needs. In the quiet coastal town, he can focus on his training without distractions. That is, until he meets his new neighbors and everything changes. Lin Su Simmons and her teenage son, Charlie, are fixtures at Winnie Banks's house as Lin Su nurses Winnie through the realities of ALS. A single mother, Lin Su is proud of taking charge and never showing weakness. But she has her hands full coping with a job, debt and Charlie's health issues. When Charlie enlists Blake's help to escape his overprotective mother, Lin Su resents the interference in her life. But Blake is certain he can break through her barriers and be the man she and Charlie need.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

If you have read the series then you met Lin Su and her son, Charlie in the earlier book. Lin Su is Winnie’s nurse as she deals with her ALS. Lin Su is a struggling parent who has raised Charlie on her own. It wasn't easy for her dealing with his asthma and putting herself through nursing school but she take pride in providing a good home. In Wildest Dreams, Lin Su has to learn to set aside her pride and loosen the parental aprons. Townsfolk and newcomer Blake Smiley may just help her do that.

Lin Su is proud, stubborn and overprotective. I understood some of where she was coming from and Carr does an excellent job of giving us her story but she is not an easy character to warm up too. She is not awful or neglectful but between her need to keep things private and her smothering parenting I struggled to connect with her.

Blake Smiley was yum, yum, yummy. He is a triathlete and I loved the attention to detail Carr provided about his training. She also weaved asthma and Charlie’s health issue into the story. Blake is easy-going, confident and the man has patience particularly with Lin Su.

Sadly, the romance took a complete backseat in Wildest Dream. The first kiss didn't even occur until the second half of the story. Even though I liked Blake, I was more excited about Charlie finding his own piece of happy. The romance wrapped up in a few sentences on the last page of the book…nope no toes curling or swoons here.

Wildest Dreams did give us wonderful updates and allowed us to spend time with Winnie and Maliki. We hear about all of the couples, and spend time with Grace as she looks for help at her Florist shop. We even witness see some bickering from others. As far as I know this is the last novel and it certainly read like one, but she did introduce a colorful character name Ronaldo. So maybe we will revisit, unless the Sullivan’s Crossing books her new series ties into this one.

While Wildest Dream was far from a favorite, I love Carr, and enjoyed my time spent in Thunder Point. I am very excited for her new series Sullivan’s Crossing series, coming in 2016.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 7 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 7 August, 2015: Reviewed