Under the Ashes by Cindy Rankin

Under the Ashes

by Cindy Rankin

When her parents decide that she needs to act more like a lady, eleven-year-old Elizabeth is sent to live with an aunt in San Francisco where she must survive an earthquake and a fire.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

4 of 5 stars

"The skunks started it, Frank and Jesse James made it worse, and a rattler finished me off."
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That's pretty much how everything did happen in Beth's mind. Sure all of those things added up without actually knowing why she had done these things make her seem like a problem child. But after we learn why she had done all of these things you really start to feel for this child and wish that the adults had time/patience to listen to her after all of these things had happened.

"The plan for my salvation cut deep. I had to be sent away, had to stop being me."
Sure sending her to live with her prim and proper aunt sounded like an awful idea to beth, but after she got their she had a good time and learned so much in a very short amount of time that without being sent away she wouldn't have known. Yes multiple things that happened were tragic, but in the short time she lived with her aunt she learned quite a bit and saw things differently.. She understood slightly why sometimes two people can't be together even if they want to be.

"Hard truth is, being the bravest, quickest, most interesting girl in town puts me at a disadvantage. Ordinary folks-even my own family-can't seem to tolerate me."

Overall I really enjoyed this book. Sure Beth was full of herself at times, and could be bratty, but that's what being eleven is. Its about learning things, being confident in what you do and thinking your doing what you should be doing even when the adults don't feel the same way. Beth was so brave when the tragedy happened. Her confidence in herself was most likely the only thing that made it possible for her to do what she did and help those around her as well. The ending was incredibly sad, but it was realistic which was nice to see. I feel like I need to read some more middle grade after this because of the ending and how much I enjoyed reading this book.

"Deep inside, I understood there was something else I couldn't do. Bring back the people I'd lost by holding on to Su Ling and Grace."

Thank you to netgalley and AW Teen for an e-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 6 October, 2016: Reviewed