Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry

Rot & Ruin (Rot & Ruin, #1)

by Jonathan Maberry

In a post-apocalyptic world where fences and border patrols guard the few people left from the zombies that have overtaken civilization, fifteen-year-old Benny Imura is finally convinced that he must follow in his older brother's footsteps and become a bounty hunter.

Reviewed by lizarodz on

5 of 5 stars

I absolutely loved Rot and Ruin. This is the first zombie book that I read and I have to say that I found it very interesting. The book takes place is a ‘post apocalyptic’ world where a suspected virus starts spreading like wildfire and turning everyone into flesh eating zombies. You can turn zombie by being bitten by one or if you die and your spine is not severed you can wake up as one. Since there was a lot of unknowns at the beginning of the epidemic, the government made a series of fatal decisions that more of less cornered the survivors into little fenced-in towns throughout (in this case ) California. Can you imagine a life without electricity? Without TV, radio, movies, your cell phone? Internet, microwave, cars, traffic, travel, etc? Fourteen years after the terrible attack started adults live in fear and teenagers live questioning why they live the way they do.

Benny, like all teenagers must find a job at age fifteen and he becomes his brother Tom’s apprentice in the family business. The book is a long, but it doesn’t seem like it, since it has to set up the scene and background information of the life before and the contrast to the life after. This is a trip of discovery for Benny. Discovery about the Rot and Ruin, about Tom, about family, about love and friendship, and that evil exists everywhere, human or zombie. I am looking forward to book number two!

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  • Started reading
  • 2 March, 2011: Finished reading
  • 2 March, 2011: Reviewed