Reckless by S. C. Stephens


by S. C. Stephens

When the band hits it big, Kiera and Kellan must ask themselves if their love can survive the pressures of superstardom. The friendships they've formed and the new family they've found, the history they've built together will all come together to help them figure out if their relationship can triumph over the trials of the band's exploding popularity. A starlet who will do anything to get ahead - including throw Kiera under a bus - and the reappearance of Denny, Kiera's former boyfriend, are just two of the obstacles the lovers must overcome to be together forever. But if they can survive, their love will blossom like never before.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

What can I say about this book that will do it justice. It was fanfreakingtastic! SC Stephens managed to create a series finale that left me with a smile on my face when I got to the very last page.

I was happy to see the growth in all the characters in this series. The one thing that bugged me about Thoughtless and Effortless was Keira. She was whined, cried, accused and all sorts of other things that a teenage girl would do. She was insecure in who she was and what she meant to Kellan and that grated on my nerves. I was worried at the beginning of Reckless that she was still the same person, but I was surprised. But Keira grew up in Reckless. She didn't stop around and punish Kellan when things went wrong. She talked things out, especially when what was happening hurt her a lot. It was refreshing.

Griffin and Anna were another surprise. They were still WAY over the top for me, but it was nice to actually see the two of them become somewhat responsible adults. Not only with their own relationship, but with the family they started. Griffin is still the epitome of the D-Bags name, but he finally mans up and realizes there is more than banging groupies every night.

It was fitting end for the series, even if I was a little bit sad when I got to the end. Even with all ups and downs, Kellan and Keira's story is definitely one that I will gladly pull out and read again.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 3 March, 2013: Reviewed