Reviewed by Linda on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Jackson's Trust has many great romance aspects, as well as a couple I had to make myself suspend disbelief for...

There were many things in Jackson's Trust that appealed to me, one of them was Leila! She's a sports journalist, covering the NFL, and in this man's world, she really has everything to prove. Jackson quickly understands that Leila's mind works much like his own - she analyses every little thing in a game, and she has the stats to back up her predictions. From the first time they meet, sparks fly, but they are both holding back for different reasons. Leila doesn't want to be the woman who seemingly gets ahead by sleeping with the boss, and Jackson thinks he has nothing to offer besides sex.

With the evident chemistry between the protagonists, however, it was clear that more than sex would be on the table sooner rather than later. Jackson's Trust really was quite a bit about Jackson's ability to trust - because he was keeping a huge secret from everyone he worked with. Once things started unravelling, though, he thought Leila had known about his secret from the very start, and this made his obvious trust issues come to the forefront once more - even when they shouldn't have.

Well written, in third person pas tense, Jackson's Trust definitely made me want more, and I'm very curious about the future books in this series. Jackson has some very interesting friends, whom I bet will have to eat crow very soon - and I think it's going to be delightful to read about it!

For longer than he could remember, there had always been someone standing in his circle of trust to take everything he held of value. Everything he loved.

She never did back down from a dare.
And clearly, neither did he. He dropped a swift, hungry kiss on her lips before drawing back a step to settle onto his heels, holding the two mugs out a good distance away from her with a lazy grin on his face and a scorching gate that replied, "Your move."

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  • Started reading
  • 8 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 8 July, 2016: Reviewed