Kiss Me in New York by Catherine Rider

Kiss Me in New York

by Catherine Rider

"It's Christmas Eve at JFK in NYC. Charlotte is a British student, waiting for a flight home after the worst semester of her life. Anthony is a native New Yorker, surprising his girlfriend at the airport after three months apart. Charlotte has just been dumped, and Anthony is about to be dumped, right in the middle of the holiday crowd. Charlotte's flight is canceled when a blizzard blows in, and Anthony can't bear to go home. So, they set out into the city together, clutching a book Charlotte picks up in the airport gift shop: Ten Easy Steps for Getting Over Your Ex. For this one night, they'll focus on healing their broken hearts ... together. Step-by-step, the two struggle to put the past behind them. But the snow is so enchanting, and the holiday lights are so beguiling, that soon their shared misery gives way to something else. Soon, they're not only over their exes --- they're falling for each other. Then a subway ride splits them up by mistake. Will they reunite before Charlotte's flight leaves New York forever?" --Amazon.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

4 of 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

"No I'm not going home just yet, and if this stranded Brit wants to run around trying to write herself a great Story to help her get through a breakup, I have no problem with that."

Kiss Me In New York is one of those sweet Christmas reads that make you smile.
If you liked Dash & Lily's Book of Dares I think you will like this one as well as it takes us all across New York as well and brings two people together during the holiday season.

Charlotte is a foreign exchange student who was just in New York for the semester and is now trying to get back to the UK and her family on Christmas Eve. She's also dealing with a breakup where she thought she was in love.
Anthony is a college student who is surprising his girlfriend at the airport as she gets home for Christmas. Except the girlfriend has other plans and they break up.

With both of them now alone on Christmas Eve with no plans, they decided to work together to follow along a book that Charlotte bought in the airport "Ten Easy Steps for Getting Over Your Ex".

I really liked both Charlotte and Anthony they were both smart young individuals who were trying to make the best of not fun situations. Both of them had really good back stories and were well thought out and the way we get to know each of them wasn't rushed.
Seeing them get to know each other and really help each other and start to get over what had happened was so nice to see. Nothing was instant and even though they were only with each other for about half a day the connections they make and the help that they give each other was a once in a lifetime experience.

"It's true - most dreams don't come true, not for most people. But at least you'll be able to say you went after them."

Honestly, I'm surprised with how much I loved this book because it is a contemporary and normally I struggle to like these. But this one I fell in love with it was a story that takes the best of the holiday spirit and really shows how sometimes its okay to admit that were all just muddling through part of the holiday spirit. Charlotte and Anthony are also two characters I would love to get to see again in the future and to see how there next Christmas goes after the adventures that they had this year.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 18 November, 2017: Reviewed