Looking for the Mahdi by N.Lee Wood

Looking for the Mahdi

by N.Lee Wood

Halton is a humanoid fabricant, Kay is a journalist feeding lines to the bubbleheads who present the news. When she is assigned to deliver Halton to a country from which she had only barely escaped with her sanity she realizes she has been set up - and the only one she can trust is not human.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Halton is a humanoid fabricant, created as a bodyguard. Kay is an androgynous woman who has reported from the middle east as a man before and she is sent in to try to help Halton get out. Along the way she has to try to survive with her sanity intact. Everyone has an agenda except the android.

It's interesting and the characters are well drawn, it's less SF than feminist commentary on the treatment of women in the middle east. I enjoyed the read but wasn't terribly impressed and I'm not completely sure why.

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  • 6 January, 2008: Reviewed