Reviewed by rakesandrogues on

2 of 5 stars

I love the premise of INEVITABLE and my interest was instantly piqued from the prologue. INEVITABLE is light contemporary romance mixed with fantasy / science fiction elements. The romance does have to do with what seems like reincarnation – which is what the main character Carina alludes to – but I’ll let you figure it out for yourself if you decide to read the book.

While it did turn out to be enjoyable, I had a hard time getting into the book when I originally started. Bennett’s dialogue seemed a little forced to me. The initial scene where Jared and Carina walk home from the bookstore made me cringe a bit. I just didn’t feel the chemistry between the two main characters at first so the scene made me feel uncomfortable. However, as the story progressed, I finally felt the two start to click.

At the end of Section 1, I already knew where the story was going to go. I had no problem with this whatsoever, because I was really curious as to how Bennett would pull it off. To be honest, Section 2 really dragged on because it felt so much like the first section. It was repetitive of Carina’s experience and I was impatient to see how the story would move forward.

However, after the initial interaction was established in Section 2, I found myself immersed into the novel again. I was really curious to see how the events would play out differently as the inevitable date approached.

Bennett does little to explain the fantasy elements behind the story. It really isn’t necessary to the plot, and I wasn’t bothered by it. But I thought I would just give a warning to readers who find that important.

I absolutely loved the ending of INEVITABLE. I never would have saw it coming and it really left me with a lingering question in my mind: “Did it work?” I’m not leaning towards a particular side, but it can certainly be put up for debate!

INEVITABLE started out rocky but there were a lot of elements in the novel that made everything click together towards the end.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 April, 2011: Finished reading
  • 7 April, 2011: Reviewed