Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


This is one of those covers that annoy the crap out of me. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the story. In fact, Damian spent like 99% of the book is a SUIT. It's just a generic half naked guy plastered on a cover. The composition is off as well. This book was really good it deserves a cover that reflects that.

So this one turned out to be a very pleasant surprise. It wasn't perfect (more about that in a bit) but overall it was a really enjoyable read.

This seems to be this author's debut book, and I was very impressed with how well written it was. It was nicely paced. It had some angst. It had some hot sex scenes. It had interesting side characters. Two of them are featured in Drowning in Talon which is also available now. It had no OW/OM drama. It had two (relatively) likable main characters and an OK epilogue. I imagine we will see this couple in upcoming books. I got the feeling Erica and Dante were headed in the direction of a book of their own.

So why not 5-Stars? One, the heroine was a tad annoying. I'm ALL for heroines getting their freak on, but this one seemed to be a bit morally challenged with her habit of sleeping with people's husbands and boyfriends. The one when she was young I could have overlooked. The second one with her coworkers on again off again (apparently she thought they were OFF) made me judge her lacking in both the moral and brains department.

My other issue was the fact that the heroine was a doppelganger of the hero's dead wife. So much so that EVERY character that knew the wife had to comment on it. It wasn't a HUGE issue for me, but I could have done without it.

Aside from those couple issues which sound like huge ones but were just small annoyances overall, this one was an excellent way to spend a few hours, and I look forward to reading more from this author. Two thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • 15 April, 2017: Finished reading
  • 15 April, 2017: Reviewed