After Anna by Lisa Scottoline

After Anna

by Lisa Scottoline

"Nobody cuts deeper than family... Noah Alderman, a doctor and a widower, has remarried a wonderful woman, Maggie, and for the first time in a long time he and his son are happy. But their lives are turned upside down when Maggie's daughter Anna moves in with them. Anna is a gorgeous seventeen-year-old who balks at living under their rules though Maggie, ecstatic to have her daughter back, ignores the red flags that hint at the trouble that is brewing. Events take a deadly turn when Anna is murdered and Noah is accused of the crime. Maggie must face not only the devastation of losing her only daughter, but the realization that her daughter's murder was at the hands of a husband she loves. New information sends Maggie searching for the truth, leading her to discover something darker than she could have ever imagined" --

Reviewed by pagesbycyndy on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.After Anna was one of those books that you read and say whoa, I cannot believe the story line had such a twist! The story line alternates between past and present with Noah now on trial for the murder of Anna and that was pretty tense for me and I could see how things deteriorated quickly after Anna arrives back in Maggie's life. I was so frustrated at times with Maggie but I get that she felt so guilty about not being in Anna's life and felt that she had to prove her loyalty to Anna, even though it meant believing the absolute worst of her loyal husband. This book really made me think twice about how well do you really know anyone and could Noah be capable of murder, after all Anna caused him to lose everything that was so important to him.

This book is exactly what it promised to be ; a suspense filled thriller. I was completely blown away at the end when all was revealed, I never would have guessed! I have long been a fan of by Lisa Scottoline. This author never disappoints me with her page turners!

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  • 6 March, 2018: Reviewed