Wynn in Doubt by Emily Hemmer

Wynn in Doubt

by Emily Hemmer

Wynn Jeffries has wanderlust. Unfortunately, her life stalled somewhere between graduating from college and slinging drinks at the local dive bar. Stuck in a one-room apartment with no career, no boyfriend, no…life, she dreams of something more. Something amazing. Something like Oliver Reeves, her high school crush, who’s back in town and reminding Wynn of the way she used to be.

When a forgotten news clipping falls out of a book belonging to Wynn’s grandmother, a well-kept family secret is finally revealed. Is Wynn’s gypsy spirit the result of an overactive imagination, or did she inherit it from a woman so determined to live a big life, she gave up everything to have it?

Together, Wynn and Oliver attempt to put together the missing pieces of her family’s past and unravel the mystery behind her great-grandmother’s disappearance. But after so much time succumbing to fear and regret, can Wynn ditch her safe, routine life for the chance at an extraordinary future?

Reviewed by Terri M. LeBlanc on

4 of 5 stars


Wynn in Doubt by Emily Hemmer caught my eye just when I needed a pick-me-up. It's a quick read about a girl, Wynn, who decides to investigate the life of her great-grandmother who left her family behind. Wynn's investigation leads her on a journey of self discovery.

I fell in love with Wynn. I could see a bit of myself in her as I seem to be the one dancing to the beat of my own drummer in my family. Sometimes that is tough and at the same time it can be rewarding. When Wynn utters the words, "—I want to be someone who is not afraid.", I instantly knew that this girl and her infatuation with Oliver were going to keep me turning the pages.

Beyond Wynn's struggle to find her true calling in life, there is plenty of humor and romance. Oliver and Wynn have a chemistry that can't be ignored. This creates some racy bits and some deep conversations. This puts a bit of polish on the characters and gives them a greater depth.

Wynn in Doubt doesn't exactly end the way you think it will based on the romance/chick lit genre some might classify it as. Wynn is a deeply thoughtful character and her journey takes her down a different road than one might expect. Because of the depth of her journey, the family mystery, the racy bits and the humor, I give Wynn in Doubt by Emily Hemmer a thumbs up!

This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews.

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  • 14 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 14 December, 2014: Reviewed