Reviewed by funstm on

3 of 5 stars

Well it's one of the more original novels I've read. Little strange - okay a lot strange, particularly at the beginning - and probably a little weak at the start but the story gets better as it goes on. The main character, Ryan, is cool - very strong and smart - and I like Grey as well. The rest of the characters probably needed a little more development but the other candidates were enjoyable to hear about. I felt Merlin was extremely two dimensional - Vane was better but still felt kind of rushed or shallow or something.

While I liked Ryan and she was overall mostly strong and smart - I didn't really understand her attraction to Merlin - it all seemed very shallow and then it was like she falls for Vane but still feels stuff for Merlin even though she rarely interacts with Merlin and spends all her time with Vane. The mind reading thing irked me as well.

Overall though, the book was fairly well written and had an interesting story line - if not a bit of an odd one. Still, it was somewhat different to most YA novels and definitely worth a read.

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  • 1 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2013: Reviewed