Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


This cover is a pretty good representation of the hero. The composition is fairly good. The typography is OK. The title itself is good, but I would have made the authors name and the bylines slightly smaller in width. I also would have removed the gray from behind the title as I find it a bit distracting. Overall though one of the better covers I have seen.

I enjoyed this one a lot. From the trigger warnings I expected this one to be heavy on the dark content, but honestly, it really wasn't. What it turned out to be was a fairly well written and nicely paced read with likable characters (I hope we get a book featuring Damien.) A few hot sex scenes and a slightly disappointing ending (what can I say I am an epilogue whore.)

This one is fairly short and certainly "insta-everything." I do think if would have been an even better book had it been longer and more fleshed out. It's a little light on character backgrounds and plot. That said this type of book is what this author is known for, so I knew going in what I was going to get. Two thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 26 March, 2017: Reviewed