The Thieves of Ostia by Caroline Lawrence

The Thieves of Ostia (The Roman Mysteries, #1)

by Caroline Lawrence

Flavia Gemina is brilliant at finding things, so it's natural for her to solve mysteries. The daughter of a ship's captain living in Ostia, the port of Rome, in AD79, she acquires a gang of three friends who help her. There is Jonathan, the Jewish boy (and secretly a Christian) who has just moved in next door; Nubia, the African slave girl Flavia's father buys to save her from a terrible fate; and Lupus, a ragged homeless boy who is mysteriously mute. Together they work out who severed the heads of the watchdogs that guard people's homes, and why he did it. Caroline Lawrence, a first-time writer, is a terrific storyteller who creates a wonderfully vivid picture of daily life in the colourful, bustling port of Ostia while never labouring the historical detail. THE THIEVES OF OSTIA is first and foremost a whodunnit, with lots of excitement and plot twists.

Reviewed by funstm on

2 of 5 stars

The first book in the Roman Mysteries - a historical middle grade mystery series set in Rome AD79 - The Thieves of Ostia introduces four children - Flavia, Nubia, Lupus and Jonathan - who team up and find adventure and intrigue wherever they go.

I didn't hate this, but I can't say I really loved it either. It's an easy enough read. Flavia was a bit annoying. She was very pushy. But she could be kind. I mean, she plans to buy a scroll for her birthday but when she sees a girl her own age (Nubia) being sold as a slave, she decides to buy her. The others were alright though. The mystery made sense for all it gave me the creeps Violence against animals sucks. . Will likely read more of the series. 2 stars.

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  • 1 January, 2010: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2010: Reviewed
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  • 1 January, 2010: Reviewed