Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


Deacon. He’s 28 and tall, dark, gorgeous, with tattoos, rings, and a manbun (yowza) He is also 100% alpha male. Third in command to the Dominion Brotherhood he sets his eyes on one delightful little package and will stop at nothing to make her his.

Ella Forker feels like cousin Marilyn Munster with her stoner musician dad and hippie gypsy mom. Not having had such great luck in the "love" department she's resigned herself to a boring humdrum life with only her vibrator for company. That's until one beautiful biker steps up to save her and declares her "MINE"

With outside forces spreading rumors about Deacon and a rival MC seeking revenge, can these two find their HEA in the chaos or will they be ripped apart before they even really have begun??

"No, baby. Don’t be sorry about that. It was beautiful. And that was just the beginning,” he told me, “I’ve got a feeling we’re gonna make a lot of beauty together."

What a delightful little gem of a story this was. I went into it TOTALLY blind. I just read the blurb, and no reviews. It's been ages since I just took a leap of faith on a book...

This reminded me A LOT of Motorcycle Man by KA only grittier. It is certainly KA length, and would have been a 5 star read had it been tightened up a bit. We get a lot of unnecessary details (IMO) especially in the beginning. That said, It kept me interested and I didn't feel the need to skim.

I enjoyed both the hero and heroine. Deacon was smokin (I mean tats, manbun, rings...YUMMY) He was also alpha, but had a lot of sweetness to him so he didn't come across like a total caveman. Ella was sweet, but also sassy and really FUNNY (drunk Ella was priceless) with a big heart.

This also had a PLETHORA of interesting side characters. From Ella's mom and dad and best friends, to Deacon's brothers and father. And of course a ton of MC brothers who could be getting books of their own. The MC storyline with the rival club was pretty gritty IMO. There were a few things that made me cringe a little, but I have read worse and that storyline wrapped up with good closure. This even had a "8 year in the future" epilogue (I'd skip this though if you want to avoid knowing what couples end up together in later books)

Overall a really enjoyable way to spend a few hours and I will for sure be keeping my eyes out for more books by this author.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 29 September, 2016: Reviewed