Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I took a chance deciding to review The Warlock’s Nemesis. I had reviewed Mated to the Werewolf King.While I liked it, I had some issues with the plot and too many characters POV. But, after reading the blurb and seeing that it was about Tannon and Alice, I decided to give it a go. I am glad I did because I enjoyed The Warlock’s Nemesis a lot.

I liked the plotline. Not only did it have Tannon but it had Alice, who was the healer in Mated to the Werewolf King. The fact that Alice was both healer and spreader of the virus was fantastic. The author did a great job of hiding why she was both. I was shocked when it was revealed because it was so obvious. But what shocked me happened after that reveal. I wasn’t expecting Alice to turn into that. I was a bit shocked.

Tannon was a little hard to read at first. To be honest, I thought that he didn’t like Alice in that way by the way he acted in the beginning of the book. The way he kept her at arm’s length and never showed any emotion was very telling. So I was a bit surprised when the book switched to his perspective and he had these feelings for her. A total switch from the beginning of the book and a sudden one at that but it made no difference in how I viewed the book. Just confused me more than anything.

The storyline with Tessa and Tannon’s other girlfriends (for lack of a better word) was awful. I can see why Tannon was so upset. I can see why Tessa did what she did, though. She was protecting her twin.

The sex scenes between Alice and Tannon was enough. Not too graphic but graphic enough for you to understand what was going on. With everything else that was happening in the book, I appreciated that. If the author had gotten graphic with the sex, it would have been too much.

If I had a complaint, it would be that I think the book should have ended when Alice remembered who she was and who Tannon was to her. Anything after that didn’t add to the book. If it had ended there, I would have given the book a higher rating. Other than that, I enjoyed the book.

Now, I know I didn’t go into everything that happened in the book. If I did, this review would be a novel. I decided to only highlight the plotlines that I liked and the sex. If I had explained everything else, I do think I would be giving away some major spoilers.

The ending was one of those sunshine and roses endings. Except for one part. I would love to know… the book to find out!! I can’t wait to read book 3. Usually, I can get a handle on who the book will be about. Not this time. Guess I am going to be surprised.

My Summary of The Warlock’s Nemesis: 4 stars

The Warlock’s Nemesis is a fast paced fantasy romance that was enjoyable to read. This book was a pleasure to read. It was engaging and had a great plotline. It also had well-rounded characters. My only complaint is that the book did go on a tad longer than what it should have. Other than that, I loved it.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Violence, sex (but not graphic) and language

I would like to thank Alena Des and Inkitt for allowing me to read and review The Warlock’s Nemesis

All opinions expressed in this review are mine and mine alone.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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  • 17 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 17 August, 2017: Reviewed