Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

"All things bright and beautiful..." I sing to myself with a smile on my lips as I think about what to write in this review. This is a fantastic book with a great CD of kid's praise songs. I hardly know what to tell you about first. In the front cover there is a slot with a CD containing ten very fun and classic kid's praise songs, many of which I have childhood memories of singing myself and I am beyond delighted to be able to share these with my daughter. We put the CD on and it immediately brought on some toddler dance moves and a cute attempt at a sing along. I am quite certain that we will be listening to this very often!

That's not even to mention the book! Each page is vibrant and beautiful. Filled with colors and words of great educational value. I could easily image a child on there belly flipping through the pages and just staring at all the images. With colorful images with handwritten titles and then textile experiences hidden throughout. Love it! Each page has great facts and tidbits that will be great fun for trivia. Around the edges of each page are words with fun endings making it a great thing to read along in a sing-song voice. I can picture a four year old loving this! On the last page the are several statements about creation being bright and beautiful with lift the flaps.

This book is tons of fun from age one to whatever, anyone can love this book!

*Thanks to Thomas Nelson for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 2 September, 2010: Finished reading
  • 2 September, 2010: Reviewed