Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

Once I heard about Blue, I knew that I needed to read it. Little did I realize what a well-rounded and emotional journey I would be going on. I thought I would be reading a fantasy novel, but soon found this book was more than that. Blue is a story of love, courage, relationships, faith, imagination and hope.

This novel centers on Becky, and her divorced parents, Chris and Polly. Being divorced myself, I know how hard it is on the children. Becky feels torn between her parents. I could relate to the feelings of the parents also. Becky has good relationships with both her parents, but an especially special one with her father. Becky had childhood cancer, and her father helped her through this trial by making up a story about a fantasy kingdom, Tamarisk. Becky and Chris for many years made up stories about all of the details of this kingdom. Years later, now a teen, Becky starts having symptoms that could be her cancer coming back. She soon finds herself able to visit this fantasy kingdom, that once was only a made-up story.

To read the rest of my review please go to my blog at:

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  • Started reading
  • 25 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 25 February, 2012: Reviewed