Subterranean by James Rollins


by James Rollins

A gripping adventure from the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author of MAP OF BONES and THE DOOMSDAY KEY.

Beneath the ice at the bottom of the Earth is a magnificent subterranean labyrinth, a place of breathtaking wonders - and terrors beyond imagining. A team of specialists led by archaeologist Ashley Carter has been hand-picked to explore this secret place and to uncover the riches it holds.

But they are not the first to venture here - and those they follow did not return. There are mysteries here older than time, and revelations that could change the world. But there are also things that should not be disturbed - and a devastating truth that could doom Ashley and the expedition: they are not alone.

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

3 of 5 stars

[b:Subterranean|98807|Subterranean|James Rollins||1018132] is a solid adventure novel mixed with an archaeological mystery, somewhat similar to Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child's [b:Thunderhead|136636|Thunderhead|Douglas Preston||294161]. Parts of it are a little trite (a team member exploring the story's deep caverns has claustrophobia, of course, leading to manufactured moments of suspense that you see coming a mile away), but it's a fun read if you're willing to just go with it. Ultimately, I think the job could have been done in fewer pages; by the last 100, I was skimming here and there just to move forward. The word on the street seems to be that Rollins gets better after this first novel, and I'm looking forward to reading more.

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  • 6 August, 2008: Finished reading
  • 6 August, 2008: Reviewed