A Lady's Rules for Ruin by Jennifer Haymore

A Lady's Rules for Ruin

by Jennifer Haymore

Fiercely independent Frances Cherrington has no interest in marriage. How is she to know who she wants to be if she’s shackled to some man? Her annoying family, however, is itching to marry her off. Fortunately, Frances knows exactly how to stop once and for all - she devises her own ruination. And it goes brilliantly.

Cole, the new Marquess of Riverbourne, has a secret - a big one. One that would be much easier to keep if the prickly, but beautiful Miss Cherrington stopped being so…distracting. Their paths cross at the most inopportune times, and her intelligent eyes look far deeper than he’d like. Not to mention she’s completely immune to his charm.

Cole’s sunny disposition grates on her nerves, and his wicked glances have an irritating way of disrupting Frances’s carefully wrought spinster plans. Even as they struggle to resist the magnetic force between them, both know love isn’t an option - not with Cole’s need for a wife and a secret that’s about to explode, and Frances’s family deciding to “fix” their rebellious sister once and for all.

Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars

My first read by Jennifer Haymore and I’m already hooked! She gave us two dynamic characters with hardships to overcome while they fell in love.

Miss Frances Cherrington is the last of the Cherrington siblings still on the marriage mart. At the age of twenty-five, she’s close to spinsterhood, but not close enough. When she bumps into Evan Locke, The Earl of Winthrop, at a masquerade, the idea of ruining herself sparks. She knows her twin sister wants her to explore a relationship with a friend of theirs, Mr. Salt, but he will be leaving for a year long archeological dig the next morning. Frances strikes up a conversation with Mr. Salt, kisses him where she knows she’ll be seen and walks away. The next day, the gossip rags draw a caricature of her kiss and she is firmly ruined. Some unexpected consequences arise when her brother learns of the travesty.

All while Frances deals with her problems, Evan digs into his own. He is alerted that his philander of a father has at least one blow-by that he was supporting. When he goes to meet seven-year-old Bobby, the lad is with Frances who just started volunteering at the boys home. Once they meet Bobby, they learn about another blow-by, twelve-year-old Jasper. At eleven, the boys are kicked out of the home and sent to work. Jasper works delivering coal throughout the city of London, but Evan finds him and brings both of his brothers home. Through it all, Frances becomes more involved in Evan’s growing family, but more secrets keep the pair from declaring their feelings and making things permanent.

While some might characterize Frances as a wallflower, I would not. All of her siblings have found their passions in life and someone to share them with. While Frances is knowledgable in many things, she is aimless when it comes to her passion. The idea of volunteering at the boys home was the only thing on her list of possible passions she felt a spark for. Meeting Bobby brought out her maternal side and when she met Jasper, her passion began to build. The fact that these charming boys were Evan’s brothers ignited her passion for him.

While Evan fumbles through his duties as an older brother, he explores his feelings for Frances. I loved Evan’s charm and dedication. His erupting passion for Frances had me pining for their happily ever after. Of course, more bumps in the road came to halt their happiness.

Haywood gives us one twist after another. Tears are likely a good idea to keep close while reading. The last several chapters are a road I never saw coming. I woke up at five am just so I could finish reading it. This is the second book in the series so I’m excited to see who Haywood will choose next to find their happily ever after.

I received A Lady's Rules for Ruin for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • 19 September, 2023: Reviewed