Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I have to say, I was very surprised with how RESIST started. Gavin always seemed like the fun loving member of the band, so I was taken aback when I discovered that Gavin was not exactly what he appeared.

Gavin was very much a tortured soul. Tortured by his father's abuse and his inability to be who he really is in the public eye weighed on Gavin. Add to that a stalker who seemed to be taken his game to another level, you get a Gavin who is afraid to go out in public, who's almost afraid of his own shadow and terrified of what could be lurking around the corner. His saving grace seemed to be his friendship with Hawke, until a very hot and confusing ex-FBI bodyguard comes into his life.

I loved Mitch. For someone who wasn't out of the closet and was completely confused by Gavin, I loved how he couldn't help but go alpha male for Gavin. He may have outwardly appeared like he was rejecting Gavin at times, but you knew he was drawn to Gavin and it was only a matter of time before he finally was honest with himself and went after what he wanted.

As always, Heather C. Leigh created an emotionally charged story that was hard to put down. Once I started RESIST, I was completely immersed in the story. Gavin and Mitch's emotions seemed to jump off the page and had me staying up way to late to get to their HEA.
Another solid read by Heather C. Leigh and a great entry into the Sphere of Irony series.

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  • 13 August, 2015: Reviewed