The Tycoon's Secret Daughter by Susan Meier

The Tycoon's Secret Daughter (Harlequin Larger Print Romance, #4315) (First Time Dads!, #1) (Mills & Boon Hardback Romance, H7111) (Harlequin Romance, #4315) (Harlequin Romance, #4315)

by Susan Meier

Max had it all - charm, good looks and a successful career. Marriage to Kate was the icing on the cake. Until a devastating family secret brought his world crashing down...Now he must put the past behind him. Or risk losing the woman he loves - and his surprise child - forever...

Reviewed by Linda on

4 of 5 stars

*My reviews are personal reflections of what I read and take notes of. I do not get paid for my reviews however, this book was kindly provided to me by the publisher through Netgalley. *

Full review can be found on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

This completely grabbed me from the start! Max and Kate meeting in the lobby of the hospital, and just the few moments they spend there, where Kate realizes Max has stopped drinking, and Max realizes that he has a daughter – WOW!

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 4 June, 2012: Finished reading
  • 4 June, 2012: Reviewed