Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

There was no way I couldn't read a book with this title that's about a cross-dressing lesbian pirate. The Pirate's Booty had a super fun concept and it ended up being a pretty fun read. Quinn is living the pirate's life. She's dressed as a man and has never felt more free. However, Quinn isn't looking for a lifetime of piracy. It's just a means to an end. When they were kids, she and her friend Shea swore to come to the other's rescue if they were ever taken by slave traders. Now, Quinn is making good on that promise.

The Pirate's Booty was a fun story. It's a mix of real people from history and fictional ones. Quinn is sailing under Grace O'Malley, and even though the captain is a woman, there's no way she'd let a female crew member onboard. So Quinn is now known as Kieran. Quinn is fiercely loyal to her friend and her captain, and she's determined to find Shea while also being an exceptional pirate. She fits right in with the crew, even better than her twin bother who tagged along to keep an eye on her. Quinn can fight, drink, and seduce with the best of them! In fact, she can teach those men a thing or two and does!

The one thing that kept me from loving The Pirate's Booty was that everything seemed to come so easily to Quinn. Everyone who meets her loves her. She's the best lover in the world (probably because she knows what women like). She's the best swordsman. She can knock out a man with a single punch. She frees slaves. She rescues crewmen. She befriends the queen of Scotland. She's just super awesome at everything! Where are her flaws?! And on top of that, her charade as a man comes easy as well. No one ever catches or suspects. There's never any mention of how she keeps her identity hidden when it comes to things like...using the bathroom, her period, or washing.

In the end, I did enjoy The Pirate's Booty. It's an exciting seafaring adventure! Not only is Quinn on a mission to find her friend, but her captain is trying to protect Ireland from the English lurking about their shores. She refuses to bow to Queen Elizabeth, and luckily her plans to fight the English happen to meld with Quinn's mission, so there's lots of action on the high seas!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 4 November, 2015: Reviewed