Reviewed by funstm on
And then I read it. And I was very impressed. It was brilliant. The world building in incredible, the romance is adorable and the action is intense. There's an overarching mystery throughout the entire series which is riveting and comes to a fantastic conclusion. Each book focuses on a different couple but builds upon the mystery with characters and places slotting altogether.
My favourite book of the series would have to be A Feast of Souls - because I LOVE Vaughn! - but all the books are amazing. Hailey Edwards is a very talented writer who knows how to deliver great fantasy.
A Heart of Ice
A Heart of Ice is a novella which gives us a glimpse of Lourdes' parents; Reine and Ennis and how they meet. Although it could standalone; it doesn't delve into the world building like A Hint of Frost does so it's much more enjoyable to read after reading the first book. Plus once you have, you'll understand why it's so awesome to read about Isolde. I liked Reine and Ennis and they seem like a decent match. My favourite part though was Reine with her poisoned ring. Stabbing the other guy was a nice touch. Nice little insight into the characters.
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- 21 July, 2020: Finished reading
- 21 July, 2020: Reviewed
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- 21 July, 2020: Reviewed