The Late Child & Other Animals by James Romberger, Marguerite Van Cook

The Late Child & Other Animals

by James Romberger and Marguerite Van Cook

Hetty survives the bombing of Portsmouth by the Nazis in World War II, only to learn that her soldier husband has been killed on the way back home from North Africa. She must then complete the adoption of her young daughter June alone. A decade later, she gives birth to a bastard daughter, Marguerite. Now Hetty must go before a tribunal to prove that she will be a fit mother. What follows is the story of little Marguerite's childhood in the recovering British naval port and the rural beauty of the Isle of Wight and in Normandy, France. The journeys and struggles over decades of this mother and daughter are linked in five episodes that veer between lyricism, wry wit, and harrowing suspense.

Reviewed by ktshpd on

4 of 5 stars

Beautiful illustration, especially the second story. The men shifting from crows and back was amazing. There is an odd division to me in the transition between stories 2 & 3 when the point of view shifts. I preferred the mother's point of view, but I understand why the book was done how it is. Also, I know I shouldn't ask, but I want to know, what happened to the older girl?

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  • 21 November, 2017: Reviewed