Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars


Welcome to Quote-tastic Monday meme hosted by Herding Cats & Burning Soup.

When she walked toward me, I was ninety-percent certain she wanted to slap me.  I spread my stance and tensed for the impact.  Sadly, she wouldn't be the first woman to smack me or attempt it.  Good thing I was pretty fast at dodging and weaving.


Let's face it, pretty much every book Daisy Prescott writes is completely quote-tastic.  I always find myself bookmarking and highlighting numerous pages and passages.  The quote up there?  It's the first paragraph of the book,  I was laughing immediately!

Don't let the humor fool you though.  While Tom is a smart ass manwhore and has a lot of work to do on himself, he is not a bad guy.  He just needs the right woman to come along and kick him in the ass and Hailey is totally that woman.  She knows Tom from when they were kids and is aware of his (well earned) reputation.  I mean this is a guy who names his boat, MASTER BAITER.  For real.
She smiled to herself and leaned closer to whisper in my ear.  "Thirty-six inches."

Thirty-six inches?  What does that have to do with anything?  "Um...what?"

"My inseam."  She lifted her eyebrow knowlingly before excusing herself.

I choked on the liquid in my mouth and started coughing, feeling like hacking up a lung was a viable option.


One thing I especially love about Ms. Prescott's writing is how she doesn't hurry her characters along too quickly.  Tom has a lot of  mental work to do, almost having to rework his own point of view in life.  Ms. Prescott never pushes him along too fast, he seems to figure things out so slowly that it feels completely organic.  At one point he has a realization  about Hailey and actually dating her and I could almost see the light bulb go on over his head.  Once he figures it out though, he goes all in!

Another really great thing about this book is Tom's family.  The Donnely family plays a prevalent and important role in this book and I loved the depth it added.  One thing you cannot doubt about Tom is how much he loves his family.

I truly loved this book.  Upon meeting Tom in John Day's book (Ready to Fall) you have to wonder how he gets from the jackass he is in that book to the guy he ends up being in the end of Tom Cat.  It's a lovely journey to take with Tom and Hailey.  As always, Tom Cat is full of the humor, passion and emotional depth I have come to expect and love in a Daisy Prescott book.

She sighed and her hand trailed up my spine.  I didn't want to get up and break whatever spell the ice storm created. Feelings of contentment and peace spun a sticky web inside me, pushing away the dark thoughts and lonliness.

With each pass of her hand down my back, the web grew larger, wrapping itself around my heart, then my lungs and ribs.  My breathing paused and deepened as the sense of calm strenghtened  its hold on my brain.

Yeah.  Pretty incredible book.


Purchase Confessions of a Reformed Tom Cat:


If you haven't had the pleasure of reading Ready to's on sale now!!!!


This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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  • 6 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 6 February, 2015: Reviewed