Bad Boys Do by Victoria Dahl

Bad Boys Do (The Donovan Family, #2)

by Victoria Dahl

Olivia Bishop is no fun. That's what her ex-husband said. And that's what her smart bob and glasses imply. So with her trademark determination, Olivia sets out to remake her life. She's going to spend time with her girlfriends and not throw it all away for some man. But when an outing with her book club leads her to a brewery taproom, the dark-haired beauty realizes that trouble--in the form of sexy Jamie Donovan--may be too tempting to avoid.

Jamie Donovan doesn't mean to be bad. Sure, the wild streak in his wicked green eyes has lured the ladies before. Now it's time to grow up. He's even ready for a serious romance. But how can that be when Olivia, the only right woman he has ever met, already has him pegged as wrong?

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Jamie Donovan has been stuck with the label of lazy playboy for all of his adult life. Sure he's perpetuated the title and done more than his share of dumb things, but he's trying to be responsible and he wishes his siblings would see he's putting in the effort. Determined to start making a difference at the family brewery, Jamie enrolls in a Restaurant management class at the local college. He's hoping the class will help him pull together all his ideas for expanding the brewery without having the leave the current space. How lucky for him, his teacher happens to be willing to help him take those ideas from cocktails napkins to presentation.

Olivia Bishop left her dreams of helping restaurant owners design and implement their ideas behind in order to support her college professor husband. He had dreams of being a department chair and needed the perfect wife to host his parties and make him look good. Too bad his dream also involved compromising positions with his Teaching Assistants. So now Olivia finds herself teaching classes, without actually having any seniority and tenure, just to get by. It's by chance that she recognizes one of her students as the sexy bartender from the brewery her book club meets at.

After striking up a conversation, Jamie and Olivia strike a deal. She'll help him with his restaurant ideas and he'll help her rediscover her fun side.

Jamie is absolutely freaking adorable. There was so much more going on behind that flirtatious smile and it took the serious Olivia to see past the mask. He was guilt ridden over his hand is what happened to his parents and frustrated about not being able to break free of the vicious circle he found himself in with his older brother. With Olivia, he found that he could be serious and determined, while still maintaining the fun personality everyone associates with him.

Olivia was a tough nut. She had an ass as an ex-husband who used her for his own personal gain while having parents that constantly told her she didn't know what she was doing (whether it be her choice in men or career direction). She'd been beaten down and lost herself. But Jamie was able to help her find the girl who loved amusement parks, stayed out late, and made out in the middle of the street. She found that being in a relationship with someone didn't mean given up what you wanted, but having that person help you strive to make that dream a reality.

You will not be disappointed in this addition to the Donovan Brothers Brewery series. No hint in this one on what's going to happen with Eric, but I bet it'll be spectacular!

4 Cocktails

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  • Started reading
  • 24 August, 2011: Finished reading
  • 24 August, 2011: Reviewed