Theirs to Cherish by Shayla Black

Theirs to Cherish (Wicked Lovers, #8)

by Shayla Black

The perfect place for a woman on the run to disappear…
Accused of a horrific murder she didn’t commit, former heiress Callie Ward has been a fugitive since she was sixteen—until she found the perfect hideout, Club Dominion. The only problem is she’s fallen for the club’s master, Mitchell Thorpe, who keeps her at arm’s length. Little does she know that his reasons for not getting involved have everything to do with his wounded heart…and his consuming desire for her.

To live out her wildest fantasies…
Enter Sean Kirkpatrick, a Dom who’s recently come to Dominion and taken a pointed interest in Callie. Hoping to make Thorpe jealous, she submits to Sean one shuddering sigh at a time. It isn’t long before she realizes she’s falling for him too. But the tender lover who’s seducing her body and slowly earning her trust isn’t who he claims...

And to fall in love.
When emotions collide and truths are exposed, Sean is willing to risk all to keep Callie from slipping through his fingers. But he’s not the only man looking to stake a claim. Now Callie is torn between Sean and Thorpe, and though she’s unsure whom she can trust, she’ll have to surrender her body and soul to both—if she wants to elude a killer…

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This was an interesting start to a menage relationship, because both Sean and Thorpe came off as these ultra uber alpha male Doms who did not share. Funny how one woman and the right set of circumstances could change their minds and men who were once enemies were now determined to keep one woman between them.

Mitchell Thorpe is an uber Dom, but one that refused to enter into any kind of relationship based on what happened in a previous relationship. I get that we are all gun shy, in some way, shape or form, after a relationship goes bad, but it was as if Thorpe swung to the complete opposite end of the spectrum to save himself from hurt. For such a smart man, he perpetually pushed Callie away and then had the nerve to be over-the-top jealous when she found someone who loved her.

I really wanted to dislike Sean. He lied to her for many months and despite his profession of love, you had to wonder if his feelings were real. But as the story progressed, you could tell his feeling were genuine and you wanted Callie to understand why he did what he did and find a way to forgive him. But I didn't believe him to be a true Dom, especially when compared to Thorpe. To me, he was a total alpha male who liked a little kink.

I'm on the fence about Callie. She definitely had a hard life, but her brattiness and stubbornness bothered me to the point where I couldn't empathize with her. And to add fuel to that fire, I couldn't believe she was really a sub either. She questioned WAY too much. If Thorpe or Sean told her the sky was blue, she was going to say it was gray. She may have been attracted to Thorpe because he had an air of authority and she needed that in her out of control life, she just seemed much more suited to a different life, one that didn't have the constant struggle between a Master Dom and his sub.

I have loved other books in this series, but I couldn't connect with this one. I needed to be able to believe that three individuals engaging in this menage D/s relationship could actually work together. It was a struggle for me to see that relationship or to even want it. Others have loved it and you may too, but it just wasn't for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 15 March, 2014: Reviewed