More Let's Color by Kumon

More Let's Color

by Kumon

With First Steps Workbooks, toddlers practice motor control skills and develop spatial reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Children can take the first step in their education by stickering, pasting, cutting, coloring, and folding with our colorful and fun exercises.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

When my almost preschooler first started showing an interest in “school” activities I found myself to be really excited. I have always loved to color and I could not wait to jump in and get her started and then in my mind was plotting out the years in schooling with the awesome Bellerophon and Dover themed museum quality coloring books. To my astonishment she showed no interest in coloring what-so-ever. I think it wasn’t until we were at a restaurant that the server wrote on the table that she was interested, because writing on the table was neat and different. When it came to my trying to show her how to color at home with some random store coloring books it was frustration for her and myself.

Enter the solution! More Let’s Color! was the first Kumon First Steps Workbook that I got my hands on and it’s amazing what it’s done for her (and my sanity!). I was starting to think that she would never color and I was left alone with my passion, but slowly as we have been working through this one pages at a time she is not only asking to do it, but her skill is obviously improving as well. I’m so excited and this book has made it possible when I was full of frustration and near to tears myself planning to just give up and hope she’d figure it out one day. I’m excited about this one and I plan to go back for the original Let’s Color! book as well!

*Thanks to Kumon for providing samples for review.*

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 24 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 24 July, 2012: Reviewed