Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

Lies, deception, intrigue, lust, espionage & suspense...Untrue Colors has it all in abundance in this fast paced romantic suspense.

Alex Northrop has the ability to change her personality and appearance as easily as a chameleon changes colour. Being a polyglot adds unique credibility to each persona. As her “use by date” is due to permanently expire with her current boyfriend Luc Perrault, Alex needs to use these skills to escape Paris and save her own life. She manages to escape to England and ends up in the bed of a man who will change her life forever.

Henry Chilton, ex-Royal Navy and Professor of Anthropology at Oxford University aka Earl of Ripon! He may be a geek, but he's multifaceted too, but chooses to keep some sides well hidden. When a beautiful young woman ends up in his bed he is instantly drawn to her. It's when this enigmatic woman tells him his most valuable art piece is a fake, he's compelled to ask her to help him find his original family heirloom.

The chemistry between the protagonists is palpable as is their interaction with the supporting characters. The most significant ones being Simon (who needs his own book, please!) and Luc. The layering of the characters' personalities means you never quite know what to expect from them next, so their actions are far from predictable. Alex is a heroine who you'll respect because she's strong, practical, loyal with a generous dose of rebelliousness. Henry is an academic action man who's loyal, compassionate and caring.

The plot is well crafted, keeping us the readers on our toes the whole time. The geographical changes in the plot landscape adds addition interest without feeling overwhelmed with details. All this is wrapped up in a fascinating and intelligently written story based in the underground world of stolen art.

Untrue Colors is one of the best Romantic Suspense books I have read. As a “Yorkshire Lass,” - thank-you Veronica Forand for setting part of this wonderful story in Ripon, which left me feeling homesick in a positive way.

***arc generously received in exchange for an honest review***

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  • Started reading
  • 14 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 April, 2015: Reviewed