Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

At first Gage and Marina didn't like each other. They had incredible chemistry but that was about it. Gage kept saying the wrong thing and Marina couldn't figure out what his angle was. Their relationship was steamy and fun. Gage tried to deny his feelings for her but eventually he had no choice but to give in to Marina and his feelings for her. Archer and Ivy have cameo's and it's nice to see their story continue a bit. I like the premise of this story. It's a nice easy romance. It's not overly complicated or too deep. There could have been a bit more added to get to the next level. There was just something missing that kept this book from being a four or more star book. The relationship wasn't detailed as much and there wasn't a big climax like I was expecting. The writing was good though, so I would read more from this author in hope of seeing her reach her full potential.

Reviewed by Kristyn for Cocktails and Books

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  • 1 November, 2013: Reviewed