The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson

The Girl of Fire and Thorns (Girl of Fire and Thorns, #1)

by Rae Carson

Once a century, one person is chosen for greatness.
Elisa is the chosen one.

But she is also the younger of two princesses, the one who has never done anything remarkable. She can't see how she ever will.

Now, on her sixteenth birthday, she has become the secret wife of a handsome and worldly king—a king whose country is in turmoil. A king who needs the chosen one, not a failure of a princess.

And he's not the only one who seeks her. Savage enemies seething with dark magic are hunting her. A daring, determined revolutionary thinks she could be his people's savior. And he looks at her in a way that no man has ever looked at her before. Soon it is not just her life, but her very heart that is at stake.

Elisa could be everything to those who need her most. If the prophecy is fulfilled. If she finds the power deep within herself. If she doesn’t die young.

Most of the chosen do.

Reviewed by liz089 on

4 of 5 stars

This one has been on my TBR for ages.. always meant to read but it never happened. Until now !
Though I do think I would have loved it more if I had read this one at a younger age, it was still very interesting and different.
Loved having a big (curvy) MC in a YA fantasy book, that almost never happens ! Awesome. It makes it much more realistic too, being a well-fed and sort of lazy princess. Of course she can not run for miles and has zero endurance. Very refreshing !
The world was interesting and the plot intruiging, some action as well.
Loved that the romance was more on the background and not the main focus of the story.
Downside for me was that it was very focussed on the God / praying aspect, not big on the religious side, but I do understand that it was part of the story and needed. Though not my kind of thing.

More like a 3.5 stars overall, but since we do not have that option I will round it up. Do want to continue with this series, somewhere this year hopefully, but there are some amazing new releases that I MUST read first haha.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 March, 2020: Finished reading
  • 2 March, 2020: Reviewed