Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

I love this series and although I have not read Spring at the Little Duck Pond Cafe, the first one I don’t feel like I’ve missed anything but quite frankly why deny yourself the pleasure, read them all. However, I have brought it to read so I can catch up on the Ellie and Zak story! But to catch you up you can read my review here of Summer at the Little Duck Pond Cafe.

This novella focuses on Fen, but you still see the other girls Jaz and Ellie. Jaz is my favourite! Sorry ladies! But after this book, I do have a huge soft spot for Fen. I think all in our own way are a bit like Ellie, Jaz and Fen, I know I am. Ellie and her determination, Jaz and her confidence and Fen in her head with romance.

In this novella, you have the mistrust between Ellie and Zak. Maisie’s mum has turned up but what does she want? Does she want Zak back? Does she even want Maisie?

With Jaz and Harry, well after the last book, they should be in the honeymoon period, right? It has only been three months, but something is going on there. Why is he being elusive?

You just want to clang everyone’s head together.

And Fen, well she just wants to be loved, the crazy love written in the books, and I love that.

All three are going through turmoil at the same time with their love life. And with Fen, in this book you see her grow from a wallflower to a prominent shining rose. Her growth was amazing and her confidence is something I admired. It was great to see Rob back too, and with his Superman pose, encouraging Fen at every opportunity he got, he is my book prince charming for sure.

When Ethan Fox, the dashing Ethan Fox enters Fen’s life, her world is turned upside down, (He has a brief cameo in the previous book) not going to lie it is easy to see why when you read about him.

Now whilst to me it was obvious everything that was going to happen with each girl in this book but you know what I found that I didn’t care. I was along for the ride, and I love the will they won’t they when it’s done right and in this novella, it was done right!

This book is shining brightly with hope, love and growth and I love that. I still love reading stories of women being whisked off their feet by their Prince Charming because let’s be honest who doesn’t it! I had a few tears at the end of the book because of one happy end and it had nothing to do with the romances in the book, I can’t say any more. But it just hits home too much for me but I loved it!

I really can’t wait for Snowed in at the Little Duck Pond Café because I need to catch up with the girls and I want to know how they are doing and to see who is going to be the main focus of the book. Can’t wait to read it!

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  • 15 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 15 October, 2018: Reviewed