Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Right before leaving for college, Lanie broke things off with her boyfriend/next door neighbor Noel Falcon. She needed stability in her life and didn't think his dreams of becoming a rock star was going to give her that. Fast forward four years and Lanie is an unpaid intern at a New York marketing company trying to land herself a permanent position by getting the rock band Black Falcon to allow the company to run his children's charity. Lanie wants the job, but she's just not sure if she can handle coming face to face with the love of her life after breaking both their hearts.

Give me a book with a rock band in it and I'll enjoy it. Make the focal point of the story a hot as hell, sensitive lead singer who just wants his girl back and I'm all over it.

Noel was my favorite part of the book. He was such a generous, sensitive soul and he was somewhat beaten down by life events he didn't really have control over. But it was clear, from the very beginning, that he wanted Lane back. Didn't matter what her reasons were for leaving him in the first place or the road blocks she throws up now. He wants her and he's going to do whatever he can to make sure he has her. Probably not the best solution, considering some of the "issues" he still has to deal with, but he was always honest with his feelings for her. It just makes me melt just thinking about it now.

For Lane's part, she soon realized that all her reasons for breaking things off with Noel was BS. She may have a college degree, but that piece of paper doesn't guarantee the stability she thought it did. So you can understand why she'd be willing to do just about anything to get herself permanent employment. She tried to maintain that professional distance with Noel, but he was too much of a force to reckoned with...especially when he was able to get her what she wanted so badly....her job.

My only complaint about this book is that it ended too soon I needed more of Noel, Lane and the rest of Black Falcon. I guess I'll survive until the BF 1.5 novella comes out later this month.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 6 January, 2013: Reviewed