Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

5 of 5 stars

Thursday Afternoon by Beth Rinyu is on my list of favourite reads for 2017. I went into this book not knowing what to expect as the synopsis gave little away. The author is new to me, but I felt confident about my decision to read this title

What the story is about.
Thursday Afternoon tells the story of Aubree Davis, Simon Grace and Hannah. Simon and Aubrey are from different worlds; the odds of their paths crossing seem highly unlikely. However, Simon’s need to move on from the pain of his past led him to seek Aubree’s services. From that moment, Thursday afternoon took on a new meaning for them both.
Hannah’s dream is to write an erotic romance novel, which is unconventional given her choice of career. She needed ideas to incorporate into her novel, which resulted in her meeting Aubree. Despite their differences, they established a friendship, which would change both their lives in ways they least expected.

My Perspective
The story.
I am not sure I can adequately explain the beauty of this story. Stories like these remind me why I enjoy reading. When I read the prologue, I knew at that moment that this would not be an ordinary story. It provided the perfect balance of romance, humour and intense emotions. Thursday Afternoon is a well-written story, with likeable characters that will keep you engaged to the end. This was more than a romance story. It is a beautiful story of acceptance, forgiveness, unconditional love, friendship and second chances. It showed that sometimes life deals out hard blows, which can either make you or break you, which depends on your inner strength.

Main Characters
I admired her for strength and determination. She suffered loss, heartache and pain in the past and as a result closed off her heart to the possibility of love. She had no real friends and because of her career choice, her family had little to with her. I felt her turmoil throughout the story. I could not help but feel empathy for her situation. She knows that her choices were not favourable and therefore was willing to live with the consequences. There are persons who judged her for her choices, especially her family, so it was understandable that she would have a hard time accepting that two strangers appreciated her and saw beyond her profession. A profession which she chose because she thought it best after her dreams were shattered. I enjoyed getting to know the real Aubree. She acted tough, but beneath that façade lay vulnerable soul. She is protective of those she cares about, which was demonstrated in this story. It was a pleasure seeing her gaining a friend she never knew she needed and finding love, which she thought possible.

Hannah is an amazing character. Never once did she judge Aubree for her choices. Instead, she helped her to realise that she was destined for better things. She encouraged her to be her best self. She is the perfect example of a true friend. I admired her for her courage, which she demonstrated by through her determination to go against convention to pursue her dreams of becoming a romance novelist.

There is usually a character one can’t help but fall in love with, Simon was such a character. He is handsome, honest and caring. He is a single father to an adorable four-year-old boy. He too had suffered his share of loss and pain. Searching for companionship without strings, he sought out Aubree for her services. Falling in love was not on his agenda. However, spending with her made him realise that he wanted more from her than just Thursday afternoons. If only he could convince her that she is worthy so much more.
Supporting Cast
I believe no story is worth its salt without a great supporting cast. They each played their role in making this story the gem that it is. My least favourite was Aubree’s boss, Margo. Not only is she a manipulator, she is greedy, selfish and downright evil. She acted as if she cared for her employees, but the only person she cared for was herself.

I enjoyed the romance. It was sweet, passionate and intense. I loved the pace at which it blossomed. At first, I was wary, as I was not sure how the author would pull it off given the circumstances under which they met. She did an excellent job. What started out as a business connection, became something so much more. It was evident that what Aubree and Simon felt for each other was genuine. They were great together and they brought out the best in each other.

If you love slow burn romance and you enjoy stories that will engage your emotions, then this book is for you.

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  • 20 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 20 June, 2017: Reviewed