Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

What I liked about Aislin of Arianrhod:

1. The elves ears were movable. For some reason, that fascinated me.

2. Tristan wasn’t a bad guy and Aislin was perfect as the older (think 35) heroine.

3. The story (along with the back stories) was great and well written.

What I disliked about Aislin of Arianrhod:

1. Aislin’s mother and her excuse about why she neglected her. I do feel bad about her captivity and rape at the hand of Jariath’s father. But it didn’t excuse her treatment of Aislin.

2. Other than that, I have no complaints.

Would I read Aislin of Arianrhod again? Yes and I plan on reading the other books in the series

Would I recommend Aislin of Arianrhod to people? Yes

**I voluntarily reviewed this book**

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  • 13 February, 2014: Finished reading
  • 13 February, 2014: Reviewed