10 Little Penguins: A Pop-Up Book by Joelle Jolivet

10 Little Penguins: A Pop-Up Book

by Joelle Jolivet

In this inventive pop-up, Joelle Jolivet and Jean-Luc Fromental's familiar penguins must count down from 10 to zero - one pop-up for each number. The book starts with 10 penguins on an icy shore. One by one, they disappear from the scene. Often the flaps and tabs embedded in the book facilitate the story and the reader can make the penguins appear and disappear themselves! A great counting book with winter-friendly, penguin-filled pop-ups.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

We are always on the look out for more counting books and this one is a great addition to our shelves. "10 Little Penguins" is a cute and interactive pop-up book with arrows to pull, push and twist. I loved these type of books as a child. Right now with supervision AppleBlossom already loves it, though I would definitely hazard caution of leaving her alone with it if you want your arrows intact. The rhythm and rhyme of the count down is a pleasant read on it's own and all in all this is a great keeper shelf children's book.

*Thanks to Abrams Books for Young Readers for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 10 November, 2010: Finished reading
  • 10 November, 2010: Reviewed