Reviewed by phyllish on
I have been reading about Love and Other Mistakes on social media for a couple of months now and was looking forward to reading it. I had a mental image of it being lighthearted, humorous, Chick Lit set in Australia - after all, the author is from there. . .
My first surprise was that the story doesn't take place in Australia. It is set in Virginia! However, Natalie's parents are from Australia, as is the dynamic youth leader, Sam, she is hoping to intern for. This wasn't a disappointment, merely a surprise.
The tension between Natalie and Jem over his actions seven years earlier was intense. Natalie was still so hurt, especially when he showed up with a baby! She had so many trials and it seemed like she wouldn't ever get a break. While I empathized with her, she was a little over-the-top unkind to him. Her need to learn to forgive him was very evident.
Jem was a gem. Really! He had an overpowering love for his son, Ollie, and was so cute when he played with him. Yet he was also clueless.
My favorite character was Lili's friend, Nick. This teenage boy thrived despite difficult circumstances and his love for his family was amazing. He demonstrated selfless love and was quite loyal.
The overall tone of the story was quite a bit more serious than I expected. Although humorous things were happening in parts and some clever lines made me smile, the problems the characters were dealing with were quite serious. Natalie's dad was in remission from cancer. Jeremy's niece, Lili, discovered a secret that ripped her world apart and drove her to do things she would have previously considered unthinkable. Jem and his dad had major issues with each other. And these are just a few of the situations.
Readers who enjoy reading about characters dealing with real-life type situations and learning to overcome will want to give this debut novel a go.
Read my full review at Among the Reads
I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.
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- 31 July, 2019: Reviewed