The Holiday Cruise by Victoria Cooke

The Holiday Cruise

by Victoria Cooke

’Buy this book now and read it!’ Rachel Gilbey

‘A truly fantastic read I couldn't put it down.’ Jessica Bell

‘This was even better than her debut.’ Rachel Burton author of The Many Colours of Us

The high seas are calling!

As if it weren’t enough to be cheated on by her husband of ten years, Yorkshire lass Hannah Davis is losing her beauty salon business too. Luckily, her big sister is there to pick up the pieces, but Hannah is desperate to find some independence.

Impulsively, Hannah applies for a spa job…on a cruise ship! Christmas in the Caribbean, springtime in the Mediterranean, what’s not to like? But, despite being in her thirties, Hannah has never done anything on her own before, and she’s terrified.

As the ship sets sail, Hannah has never been further from home…or closer to discovering who she is and who she wants to be.

Praise for The Holiday Cruise

‘The Holiday Cruise is one of a rare sort of book that spoke to me on so many levels and one I could thoroughly identify with.’ Rachel Gilbley

‘Highly recommended for a Christmas time read!!’ Jolene Mattison

‘Highly recommend this book and author. Great read.’ Kaye Temonson

‘This was a great story.’ Tracey Meier

‘I loved all the characters on the cruise. I love books like these and this one was right up there with them.’ Carley Adair

Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

Aaaah this book was just so cute! It was just what I needed to read! However, now it has made me want to go and work on a cruise ship, the luxury of visiting the different cities and sightseeing on your day off, I mean why not, but I have definitely missed the boat on that one (sorry couldn’t resist!)

I adore Hannah, albeit she was a bit immature and needed to grow up at times, but when we meet her, her life is just…well shit. (Sorry mum!) Her husband, Daniel, of 10 years left her because he didn’t love her anymore, wait a second you were on holiday together a few weeks ago! Douche! Hannah wallows in self-pity, ignoring her Salon business and house for 6 weeks to find out that it just went to pot! She doesn’t know what to do with herself, and Daniel is flaunting his new bit of stuff around their small sleepy village, the nerve!

Then an idea is put into her head, go and join a cruise ship, go find yourself and heal from the breakup. Nervous at first, she finds her feet on the ship and makes some friends. One golden rule, no fraternising with the guests!

Hannah grows in this story from the immature little woman (she is my age!) needing to grow up, to a feisty woman knowing what she wants and backpacking off around the world, with her new determination and happiness. I loved seeing where she started her journey and where she ended. It was a journey of self-discovery and healing I had my heart in my throat when we first meet him, as Hannah working in the spa of the cruise ship and she is told that she has a client, a man on his honeymoon, well I was nervous because I thought maybe, just maybe was this Daniel?

Despite, the gruelling hours on the ship, they know how to let their hair down, make some sparkly new friendships and escape from life. I think this is something I would have loved to do. I know it would not be all glamour and glitz but the author sounds like she knows what she is talking about, and it was quite refreshing that it was the from the point of view from the crew and not the guests, the rules and regulations they have to stick to! But alas, instead I will be happy just to go on a cruise! It just seems quite sad and emotional when it comes to an end.

I loved the adventure, and please Ms Cooke, could you write a sequel, I want to know what happens next! I feel that with this story there is still so much to it, more from Hannah, more I need to know! Please!! Seriously! What will it take for another book!!! I didn’t want this to end, and I am gutted at how quickly it took me to read this and devour the pages. It is such an easy fun read and it flows so well. Even when you are screaming at the book or biting the back of your hand in excitement. It was just beautiful. Thank you! 3

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  • 14 September, 2018: Finished reading
  • 14 September, 2018: Reviewed