Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

5 of 5 stars

In the thrilling follow up to Capital Kill, former USDA now Officer Timothy Wisniewski is called to investigate a call about a man injured. He certain was. In fact, he has been decapitated. The body is that of the teenaged son of Juan Carlos Lopez-Portillo, the Ambassador from El Salvador. His body was dumped in front of the embassy to leave a message, but the question is what message and from whom?

Soon Det. Dixon Carter Dix, FBI Agent Barry Dorez and USDA Jeff Trask are all heading the new task force to find out who is behind the death of an Ambassador’s son.

All evidence starts pointing toward two very aggressive, rival drug gangs originating from California made up of El Salvadorians, the MS-13 and the M-18, who have each staked out territory in and around D.C. As the body count climbs for both of the gangs, some of the kills start to look too professional for gang hits and the Task Force needs to worry if they are in the middle of an open gang war or there is someone else trying to escalate the gang violence between the two factions, and the need to put a stop to it before the violence spills out into the streets of D.C.


Another great thriller by Marc Rainer. I enjoy this group of characters and the way they work together in their respective departments to solve the case.

We are along for the ride with both the investigators and the killers but just like our investigators until there are enough pieces to put together, we can’t figure out the whys and wherefores of what is happening.

With an author who doesn’t hesitate to harm a character, either major or minor, it keeps you on your toes wondering if the killers might just win this time.

Mixed all together it was an intriguing story with great characters, in real danger and like any good thriller, it kept you guessing until the very end.

If you love a good thriller, I recommend you giving this new author a chance.

Received a review copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 May, 2013: Reviewed