The Adventures of Jillian Spectre by Nic Tatano

The Adventures of Jillian Spectre

by Nic Tatano

Welcome to the Mystic Quarter…

Jillian Spectre knows what happens after you die.

Because the seventeen-year-old mystic seer can see the future of her clients even after they've passed on. And that's not even her coolest power…

She can be in two places at once. Problem is, her heart can only be in one.

Supernatural abilities aside, she's a typical high school senior torn between two guys. But that takes a back burner when she discovers the father she had long assumed was dead is actually alive, with unique powers of his own. He's a technopath, with the ability to interface his mind with technology. And he's got a plan to take down society.

Unless Jillian can stop him.

This is the story of a very special girl who learns that the power of love is more important than supernatural powers.

Reviewed by Leah on

5 of 5 stars

Nic Tatano has fast become one of my favourite authors. The reason? His fantastic writing style, witty, kick ass characters and, best of all, the fact that by May he will have released three books this year! I like a productive author so I was pleased and surprised when browsing amazon to see there was a YA title attributed to Nic’s name! Turns out he’s started writing a YA Paranormal series as well as his Chick Lit novels, and I couldn’t be happier.

If you ask me what genres I like to read my first answer will always be Chick Lit, but I love all kinds of genres really, and I love a good paranormal novel. I honestly don’t have as much time as I like to discover more YA paranormal authors but I’ll read anything Nic puts his name to, and downloaded The Adventures of Jillian Spectre as soon as I got the review link! And it was fantastic! Seriously, for a first paranormal novel it was bloody amazing and I raced through it from beginning to end, never really wanting it to end!

Jillian Spectre, like most of Tatano’s heroines, is fiery, feisty and straight talking. She’s also a redhead. She’s also a seer; she can look into your romantic future and tell you what you’ll be doing love wise in 5 years. Her best friend Roxanne is a muse, and her crush Ryan is a mind reader and their little bit of New York is known as the mystic quarter. Jillian’s always believed her dad’s dead so it comes as something of a fright when she learns otherwise – not only is her dad not dead, but he has let his powers take over his life, and plans global domination… Unless Jillian and her friends can stop him once and for all.

I looooooved Jillian Spectre. I love novels about people with mystical abilities – I would quite like to be a mind reader myself, that’s a pretty cool power because you will always know what someone else is thinking. My kinda power, that one. I loved how fearless Jillian – and all of her friends, to be honest, were. I love a character who knows evil must be stopped and is willing to do it, no matter the cost and I enjoyed reading about how Jillian was going to take down her father. I loved the meetings with The Summit, because powers are regulated in Tatano’s world (very clever!), I loved detective Fuzzball, and I just loved hearing how the various powers worked and especially about Jillian’s powers, since it turned out she was more like her dad than she realised (or hoped).

The Adventures of Jillian Spectre is a fantastic start to Tatano’s new series and I was soooooooo happy when I learned it was going to be a series and wasn’t just a one off book! Jillian Spectre deserves multiple books to her name, because she’s fabulous! I want to see her defeating more villains because she’s a modern day superhero. Arrow, eat your heart out! I want more Ryan because he sounded super cute and a perfect foil for Jillian and more of the uber feisty, unafraid to speak out loud Roxanne! I can’t wait to see where Jillian goes next, but as long as she has her friends around her and never loses her spunky attitude, I will be happy to follow her to the moon and back!

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  • 1 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 March, 2014: Reviewed