Wicked in Your Arms by Sophie Jordan

Wicked in Your Arms (Forgotten Princesses, #1)

by Sophie Jordan

"Sophie Jordan is one of a kind!" -Samantha James Pride and passion collide in this sexy and emotionally rich Victorian-set historical romance from New York Times bestselling author Sophie Jordan. Wicked in Your Arms is the first book in the acclaimed author's Forgotten Princesses series-a marvelously sensual fable of a handsome prince searching for a suitable bride, but inconveniently smitten with a most unsuitable lady: the illegitimate daughter of one of the most unsavory characters in all of London! Wicked in Your Arms is a wonderful delight-the ideal romantic escape for Lisa Kleypas and Sabrina Jeffries readers.

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Wicked In Your Arms was so cute! It's an opposites attract, from different sides of the tracks, hate to love mash-up of adorableness! Grier and her half-sisters have just been reunited with their father. He may be untitled and have a less than stellar reputation, but he's provided the girls with very generous dowries. Unfortunately, that's not quite enough for them to snag husbands. In fact, Grier overhears the crown prince of Maldania saying just how unsuitable a bride she'd be, prompting her to dump her drink on him! But the prince can't seem to get his mind off the feisty woman and is desperate to have her as his mistress.

I absolutely adored Wicked In Your Arms. I loved that instead of being lords and ladies, we get a prince and a low born woman who was once a game master! Quite the unusual pairing! I also absolutely loved how these two are first thrust together after their initial meeting. It's quite hilarious and awkward, but it causes feelings to begin stirring! From there, Grier and Sevastian keep running into each other and misreading the situation which leads to many misunderstands, but nothing too over-the-top. It all just causes them to not be able to keep their hands off one another!

Wicked In Your Arms was just a delightful read. Grier knows she's not what the men of the ton are looking for in a wife, but she's also not going to settle for less, even with a prince. She has standards and dignity! Sevastian's life has never been his own, even his choice of bride. But once he gets a taste of Grier, pedigrees be damned! He loves her, and she's going to be his queen! They also have far more in common than their opposite upbringings would suggest. This leads to my favorite epilogue that I've probably ever read! Those two are just too funny!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 September, 2015: Reviewed