Audacious by G S Prendergast

Audacious (Ella, #1)

by G. S. Prendergast

Sixteen-year-old misfit Ella reinvents herself at her new school by focusing on her artistic talents, but she and fellow art class student Sam land themselves in the midst of controversy when they create explicit work for the school art show.

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Have you read the blurb? It sounds seriously amazing and different! I knew I had to read Audacious as soon as I read that blurb. Pornography charges for artwork? That is definitely something I have never read about before. However, the story ended up being about so much more than just Raphaelle's controversial painting. The author covers a lot of bases in Audacious: censorship, mental health, family dynamics, love, race, religion, and sex. It may seem like she tried to do too much, but everything fits together nicely as Ella tries to reinvent herself and find her true self.

Told in verse, Audacious is a very quick read, but it's few words don't hinder the messages in any way. Raphaelle is a girl who pushes all the wrong buttons just by being herself. Now he family is moving to a new town, and she plans to become someone new. Someone who blends in and coasts under the radar. This goes well until her art teacher asks Ella and Samir (the boy she ends up falling for) to do special pieces for the upcoming art exhibit. Ella wants to make a statement, but she has no idea about the consequences her painting will make. The painting in question was not what I was expecting at all, but I applaud Ella (and the author) for taking that risk. Ella gets the reaction she wants, but she also faces jail time. While she stands by her work, it does cause Ella to question decisions she's been making and the person she's becoming.

I loved the romance in Audacious! Ella is Irish and kind of Catholic, and Samir is Palestinian and Muslim. He's not suppose to date her because of his religion, but love follows no rules. They bond over art and really get to know each other. They comfort each other in times of need, and support each other in times of conflict. I was really rooting for these two despite their differences! Their relationship does take a turn that I was expecting, but I do think it works based on what we know about each of them. And I absolutely loved that final chapter! You go, Raphaelle!

In the end, I really enjoyed Audacious. It covers a lot of sensitive issues, but I do think the author handled them all respectfully and in an approachable way. Ella is definitely a character that I admired and I enjoyed watching her grow as a person and learn about herself and the world. There's a lot going on storywise, so I think a lot of different readers will be able to identify with various parts.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 30 September, 2013: Reviewed