Reviewed by e_rodz_leb on

5 of 5 stars

Forbidden was a surprisingly good read or me. Surprising because, even though this is a book about angels it constructs a unique hierarchy that is easy to understand.

The story is told in the first person from Levi’s point of view. I found it refreshing to have a guy tell the story for a change. Levi is a Guard and his “Call” or his assignment, so to speak, is to watch over Hannah. There are many things that are forbidden for a Guard to do and somehow and without meaning to, Levi breaks the rules. What happens next is an incredible ride, packed with unique characters, action, and an introduction of the world of the Guardians. Hannah is stubborn, curious, brave, beautiful and good, and her life is turned upside down by a fact that is not her fault. I think Levi and her make a really good couple.

As I mentioned above the characters in the book are amazing. Besides Levi my favorite characters is Ethan. Oh boy! He is handsome, cocky, egocentric and rude, but he is so funny and he is loyal to the end. I can’t wait to see what happens next with him! Angie is a conundrum and the dialogue between her and Ethan is priceless! I trusted Clay right away and I hope he makes a good mentor for Levi.

The story is very original as well as the angel lore with its hierarchy and rules. Ms. Curd’s writing is easy to read, well-paced and flows nicely. As you can see I really enjoyed Forbidden and cannot wait for its sequel.

About the cover: Of course the angel in the cover is what the book is all about. I like the play of the light and dark, a symbol for the good and bad (and maybe even gray!)

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  • Started reading
  • 20 January, 2012: Finished reading
  • 20 January, 2012: Reviewed