- It was WAY too insta-lovey for my taste. I didn't realize it was insta-love then I was immediately concerned when the author's note at the beginning said something about how she's "Fine with insta-love", and I was like oh shit. Yes, this is absolutely insta-love.
- It felt a bit too cheesy and unrealistic to me. I know royalty love stories or billionaire love stories are not super realistic to begin with, and I'm usually okay with that. The whole point is a bit of fantasy and dreaming, right? But this was just too unbelievable for me. I was rolling my eyes.
- I just didn't really connect with the characters or their relationship. This is probably because of the insta-love. I didn't love either of them and I didn't love them together, even though I so wanted to. By the time I got to the second half of the book, I was just skimming.
I'm bummed because I thought this would be a slam dunk 5-star read. :(
Stuff like this really annoys me:
"it’s apparent now that whatever Viktor eats immediately gets transformed into muscle. A steak? He just added an eight pack to that six pack. Must be a Swedish thing."
This flat out isn't how it works and it belittles the work people actually put into fitness. You don't get muscles without doing something to work for them.