Secret Santa by Scarlett Bailey

Secret Santa

by Scarlett Bailey

A self-confessed Christmas queen, Sue Montaigne prides herself on organising the annual nativity pageant in her small Cornish village of Poldore.

But this year, what with having to deal with the repairs on Castle House after it was wrecked by a terrible storm, training a new – and frankly flighty – Virgin Mary and managing a Joseph who is allergic to sheep, she is distinctly lacking a little bit of ‘me time’.

And then there are the auditions for the new Santa. But nothing prepares her for the beautiful man who turns up, a twinkle in his eye and a promise to make her Christmas dreams come true…

Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I have previously read the first book in the Poldore Series Just for Christmas a few years ago and I love Scarlett's writing.

Sue is always at the heart of the village. She makes sure that everything runs smoothly for all the local community events. Sue sees her self as the bossy villager that no one likes. She couldn't be more wrong. Everyone loves her.

Sue is having marital problems and may need to move out of her ancestral home in the new year but for now she must focus on the final task of the year...finding a Santa for the children.

This is a lovely christmassy story. It was great to see Alex and Ruan again and I'm now dying to read Two Weddings and a Baby to have the full story. If you need that Christmas magic then Scarlett has it right here in this book.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 26 November, 2016: Reviewed