Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

If you are looking for a book about finding your first love again this is the perfect book for you.

This is a story about Callie and Will – 25 years earlier feel in love, but like it does for most people in their early 20’s life takes a different road for both. Will was accepted to medical school and thought that the best thing was to literally drive away leaving Callie behind. During the 25 years there were marriages, divorces, deaths and children on both sides but not a day went by that Callie didn’t think about Will and the loved they shared.

Flash-forward 25 years – Callie visiting her best friend across country she cuts her hand pretty badly and needs to go to the ER. Callie is recently divorced mother of 2 grown children she is just now learning to be on her own. In walks the ER doctor and its Will, both are shocked at this unexpected turn. Will recently widowed also has 2 children much younger. He is trying to navigate through everyone’s grief of losing his wife and their mother and trying to make her family happy. So seeing Callie again is a shock but a welcome one.

The story has a lot of twists and turns with all types of emotion from joy to bitterness and ultimately betrayal. The style of writing is a little different – when Andrea is writing in Callie’s POV its in first person, but when she is writing from Will’s POV its third person. It does take some time to get use to the switching though I do like both sides so I got use to it. I also loved the development of the secondary characters especially on Will’s side – his children and wife’s family were the main antagonists and they were flushed out extremely well. Callie has her own issues except hers was more introverted while Will’s was more extraverted. The dual POV styles help with those narratives. I also enjoyed the set of friends both Will and Callie have they definitely were on their side and wanted them together; they were refreshing and even brought some comic relief.

I loved this story – its well thought out, pace is great and I really liked Will and Callie. Highly recommend it!

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  • 8 August, 2015: Reviewed