The Girl Who Fell by S.M. Parker

The Girl Who Fell

by S.M. Parker

In this gripping debut novel, high school senior Zephyr Doyle is swept off her feet and into an intense and volatile relationship by the new boy in school. Zephyr Doyle is focused. Focused on leading her team to the field hockey state championship and leaving her small town for her dream school, Boston College.But love has a way of changing things. Enter the new boy in school: the hockey team s starting goaltender, Alec. He s cute, charming, and most important, Alec doesn t judge Zephyr. He understands her fears and insecurities he even shares them. Soon, their relationship becomes something bigger than Zephyr, something she can t control, something she doesn t want to control. Zephyr swears it must be love. Because love is powerful, and overwhelming, and terrifying? But love shouldn t make you abandon your dreams, or push your friends away. And love shouldn t make you feel guilty or worse, ashamed. So when Zephyr finally begins to see Alec for who he really is, she knows it s time to take back control of her life. If she waits any longer, it may be too late.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Zephyr was at the top of her game: co-captian of the field hockey team enjoying an awesome season, great grades with a good shot at early admissions to Boston College, two amazing best friends. She had everything going for her, but then her father abruptly abandons her family. This abandonment left her feeling worthless, and had robbed her of any confidence she ever had. Therefore, it is not surprising when a very handsome and charming boy chooses to woo her, she is swept away by his attention and affection. Alec came and filled the hole left by her father, but he also robbed her of her autonomy as he wielded his love as a weapon of control.

You know from the beginning of the book, that this is a "bad love" story. Knowing this, I was on my toes, and regarding almost anything Alec said or did as suspect. But still, I found myself swoony at times. So, bravo for Parker. She did a great job depicting this sociopath while also making me understand how Zephyr fell for him.

This book also took a difficult topic and translated it to a compelling and powerful story that never came across as preachy. This book had me from the very beginning, with its compelling story and lovely writing.

Overall: an important tale to share.


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  • 4 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 4 February, 2017: Reviewed