Diva Las Vegas by Eileen Davidson

Diva Las Vegas (Soap Opera Mystery, #3)

by Eileen Davidson

Alexis Peterson is delighted when her friend, ex-Playboy Playmate Shana Stern, invites her to Hugh Hefner's infamous Halloween party. But the fun ends when, after a few drinks, Shana is found dead. Alex's investigation leads ger to a soap opera convention in Las Vegas, and bodies continue to pile up on the strip. She must catch this killer who is more vicious than any television critic...

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3 of 5 stars

This is the third of the 3 book "soap opera mystery" series and I'm really very sorry to see this series end. I found the characters enjoyable and likeable and I cared about what happened to them. The story was a good one, although the plot progressed a bit awkwardly and maybe the 'whodunit' part of the story took second place to the progression of the relationship between the main character, Alex and the detective, Jakes. But I didn't find this to be a problem, because I truly enjoyed the chemistry between the two.

I really enjoyed this series and I'm sorry this is the last one. I found it only a minor annoyance that the issues with her ex were left unresolved as it was never a front-burner issue, and I felt the series ended on a happy note.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 September, 2010: Finished reading
  • 13 September, 2010: Reviewed